UCE Missionaries of Chastity Swarm Across Kilombero,Tanzania 11,105 Commit to Chastity
Last month in Tanzania UCE missionaries of chastity used 4-wheel drive vehicles, motorcycles, and walked on foot as they swarmed across the district of Kilombero reaching 42 schools. By the end of the month, they had held 49 outreaches across 4 districts and helped 11,105 youth commit to chastity. The team members, working on a budget that provides only for chastity
God opens a new way for UCE Morogoro
By Herman Nguki, Morogoro, Tanzania (December 2013)- My dear brother, I have good news to report. God has paved the way for UCE Morogoro. We have long been searching for a way forward to reach more youths in schools in Morogoro.
My Five Years in Universal Chastity Education (UCE) Tanzania
By Isaac Lema, Tanzania, (January 2015)- A few days before graduating for my first university degree, I received a phone call from Fr. Aidan Ulungi telling me that we needed to meet and discuss Universal Chastity Education (UCE). At that time, I did not know anything about UCE. On the 17th of October 2008, one day before our graduation, !
A light on the mountain
By Isaac Lema, Itona, Tanzania (September 2015)- On August 28th, it was a beautiful morning, and the UCE team gathered and prayed before starting our journey into the mountains. It took us 2 hours journey to reach Itona, which is about 80 kilometers from Iringa town.
UCE-Tanzania Expands to Dodoma Region
By Isaac Lema, Dodoma, Tanzania (June 2015)- In May of 2014, the Iringa municipality (the team’s home base) received guests from Bahi district in the Dodoma region. The guests came to learn about and share experiences in fighting new HIV transmissions. UCE, as one of the stakeholders, participated in one of the meetings. Leaders from Bahi appreciated the UCE activities..
UCE –Tanzania reached Mwanza Region and change Youth lives
1Thessalonians 4.3 “God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality” …The new style of Preach the Gospel to Youth through Universal Chastity Education (UCE) has touch and changed the students Live in Mwanza-Tanzania through the Chastity message..
Friday, May 12, 2017
Friday, December 9, 2016
Each one of us has affected in one way or other as a result of HIV AIDS, children have lost their parents etc. |
HIV Prevalence for Tanzania mainland.
Equivalent to 5 people out of every 100
Average women with HIV AIDS. Equivalent to 6 women out of every 100 women
Average men with HIV AIDS. Equivalent to 4 men out of every 100 men
Youths between the age of 15-24 years with HIV AIDS. Equivalent to 11
youths out of every 100 youths of such age.
Not me it's you, no it's you, not me. |
No more time for pointing finger to someone. The issue of changing life or certain mentality begins with one people who is you, not someone else. |
Join Universal Chastity Education to spread a lifestyle of abstaining, don't be a slave anymore. Uncountable youths have been reached and signed chastity cards. You are welcome. |
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Halahala mti na jicho |
Subiri muda ufike, mfunge ndoa na kuvishana pete za ndoa ishara ya ulinzi kutoka kwa mwenzi wako ambapo matokeo ya tendo la ndoa kila mtu atayapokea kwa furaha. |
- Kwanza nafurahi na kumshukuru Mungu kwa maana ni ishara kuwa nitakuwa mtendaji mzuri wa wizara ya mambo ya ndani from the wedding night.honeymoon etc.
- Ninajiambia kuwa mimi sijaoa bado, na pia kuna mtu anajinyima kwaajili yangu na Mungu kaniandalia.
- Ninajiambia kuwa hisia hizi atakuja mtu sahihi ,tutahudumiana muda wote sahihi na mazingira sahihi.
- Ninajiambia kuwa matokeo ya ngono sasa ni fedheha, aibu, na kuwahuzunisha wazazi, walezi na jamii kwa ujumla.
- Ninajiambia nataka kuwa baba bora wa familia yangu muda ukifika, ishu ya kwamba mke wangu atakuwaje hayanihusu, Mungu aliyenimba anajua, kazi yangu ni kusali na kufanya uchaguzi sahihi wa kuomba mahusiano,.
- Ninajiambia pia kuendekeza hisia hizi zikiniendesha na kufanya ngono sasa naweza kujikuta napata magonjwa ya ajabu ajabu na madhara mengine ambayo yanawezaa kuniua, hata kama nitasema potelea mbali mimi sio wa kwanza.
- Kwa kifupi sigombani na mwili wangu kwa maana mimi ndiyo mwenye hatimiliki ya mwili wangu na mtoa maamuzi, hivyo nauambia huna chako kwa sasa, hadi siku ya ndoa.
- Nabaadilisha mazingira niliyokuwepo kwa wakati huo, najiweka busy kusoma vitabu na mambo mengine mengi ya kijamii na kidini hivyo kuhamisha kabisa mawazo, na pengine namuuliza mama kama kuna vitu vya kufuata sokoni ili niende kuvinunua na kubadilisha mazingira..
Itumie UCE Tanzania ikusaidie kufikia malengo yako na familia yako. Fanya maamuzi sahihi |
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Usikubali ngono ikatishe maisha yako. Weka malengo, timiza ndoto zako na UCE |
- Maisha
yenye afya
- Mahusiano
yenye afya
- Kazi na
- Kufanikiwa
zaidi katika maisha
- Kuboresha
mafanikio kiujumla
- Kuongeza
motisha ya kufanikiwa zaidi katika maisha
- Kuongeza
fahari na furaha katika mafanikio yako
- Kuongeza
kujiamini na kukua kwa utu wa mtu
- Kuondoa
mtazamo unaokurudisha nyuma na kukusababishia kukosa furaha
- Kupungua
kwa msongo na hali ya wasiwasi uliopindukia zaidi
- Unataka
kufanya nini na maisha yako?
- Unataka
kufanikisha nini?
UCE team haifungwi na umbali, iwe mlimani, bondeni porini, tutakufikia kukuelimisha. Pichani ni Afisa uhamasishaji wa UCE Mr Mgina akitoa semina kwa wanafunzi wa Wasa Sekondari |
- Afya: Je unataka kuwa na afya ya aina gani kimwili,
kiakili, kijamii na kiroho?
- Mtazamo:
Upi mtazamo wako wa kimaisha?
- Kipaji /
karama: Je una kipaji gani?
- Elimu / Ujuzi:
Je ungependa kujiajiri au kuajiriwa?
- Familia: Je
ungependa kuwa mzazi wa aina gani?
- Fedha: Je
ungependa kuwa na kipato cha aina gani? Katika umri gani?
- Starehe: Ungependa
kuyafuraiaje maisha yako?
Mratibu Mipango UCE Mr Lema , katika semina Ilula , ukanda wa Mazombe |
Aina / Eneo la
Lengo m.f. Afya n.k
Faida za Lengo
Mchakato /
maana ya lengo lako, liandike kutokana na mpangilio na kipaombele
faida utakazopata kwa kufanikisha lengo lako,
gani litakufanya uwe mwenye furaha?
zipi unatakiwa kufuata ili kutimiza lengo lako,
utaanza na hatua ipi?
muda wa kuanza na utakaohitajika katika kulitimiza lengo lako
mahitaji yanayohitaji-ka katika kulitimiza lengo
utazipata wapi?
umekwama, na zipi sababu za kufanikiwa au kukwama?
lengo lako litaleta athari gani katika maisha ya sasa na yajayo?
- Kupanga malengo ya matokeo pasipo kupangilia
utekelezaji wake hatua kwa hatua
- Kupanga malengo yasiyo na uhalisia kwani hakuna
jitihada za kuyatimiza
- Kupanga malengo yasiyoleta changamoto wala
faida inayoonekana
- Kutokuwa na mpangilio wa lipi lianze na lipi
- Kupanga malengo mengi kwa wakati mmoja
Kicheko cha kiwango cha lami kwa mwanafunzi wa Nanenane sekondari Morogoro baada ya kufanya maamuzi ya kusubiri kwa kusaini kadi ya UCE. |
- Tafakari na jenga taswira ya maleongo yako
- Fikiria yapi yanaweza kukwamisha malengo yako
- Ainisha na bainisha mambo yatakayokusaidia
kutimiza malengo yako
- Pitia mara kwa mara malengo yako
- Jiwekee yapi ya kufanya na yasiyo ya kufanya
(Do’s and Don’ts)
- Jifunze kutawala muda wako vizuri (time
management) kwa kuoorodhesha yale yanayoiba au kupoteza muda wako
- Jifunze kutawala msongo katika hatua zote za malengo
- Usiweke malengo madogo kwa kuhofia kushindwa
- Ni vyema kujua kushindwa kutimiza lengo
haijalishi sana iwapo kuna funzo umejifunza katika hilo lengo
- Kumbuka malengo yako yawe kwa yale unayotaka
kufanikisha katika maisha yako kwani mafanikio huja pale unapofanya kwa
ajili ya ustawi wako
Wanafunzi wa Mbalali sekondari mkoani Mbeya wakifurahia maamuzi yao ya kusubiri. INAWEZEKANA |
Karibu UCE Taanzania ujifunze mengi juu ya kulinda na kuimarisha afya |
Monday, October 24, 2016
Kama nakusikia vile, karibu bhana tuwe wawili nje huku. |
Ukisikia UCE wanaongea na wanafunzi au wtu fulani, fanya hima uwepo ili kujichotea maarifa ya kuishi maisha yenye afya. |
Maelfu ya vijana mwameshafikiwa na team ya UCE hata kwako twaweza kufika. Karibu tujifunze pamoja, |
Sunday, April 24, 2016
UCE Missionaries of Chastity Swarm Across Kilombero,Tanzania 11,105 Commit to Chastity
Mr. Renatus Benges is one of those God has called and appointed, and thus He has blessed UCE. Rentaus has been working with UCE since 2010 as a patron of the Ifakara Girls Secondary School UCE Chastity Club. Since then, he has continued to join the team on outreaches to various regions. As a volunteer, he is very committed to UCE activities despite his very busy schedule. He has been praying for and asking the UCE headquarters to bring the chastity message to Kilombero District for over a year. The team in Tanzania, acknowledging his great work with UCE, chose him to be the UCE coordinator in Ifakara and Kilombero Districts (in the Morogoro region).
In February of 2016, the UCE team responded to Renaus’ request. After arriving in Kilombero, the team spent time together in prayer, and made other necessary preparations to reach the schools. Kilombero has many schools, some of them are located in remote areas while others are along the main highways. In order to save time and money, the UCE team divided up into smaller teams so that they could reach many schools at once, especially those schools in remote areas. In areas where the infrastructure was poor this proved very helpful. The UCE team used motorcycles to travel to the remote schools, and where there was no road, they travelled on foot.”
There were many success stories from the outreach. Below are several of the highlights.
At the end of the outreach at Kilamsa secondary school, the students were given a chance to share their thoughts. One girl stood up and said, “We are very grateful for this education which you have given us. We have made our commitment to wait and to study hard in order to raise our academic performance. We will live a chaste life from now on. Thank you very much.” The academic master then stood and said, “Certainly, today is a day of blessing in our school because this education is very vital for this generation. I will make sure we have established a UCE Chastity Club as soon as possible.” At Kilamsa of the 220 gathered students 164 made commitments to chastity.
At Nyasaka Secondary School the headmaster shared, “In the last academic year I had to expel two students because of pregnancy. However, there are other students who have engaged in sex but they are using condoms and birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. It is so sad to find very little girls now a days using those pills to prevent pregnancy. Thank you UCE team for coming with this new message of chastity. I believe from now on my students will no longer think about using condoms or pills to prevent pregnancy. The risks of using condom and pills were very well explained. Thank you for teaching them that abstinence is the only right solution for them. I will encourage my students from today to just think about abstinence. For those who signed cards, hold your card in right hand, in front of those who might try to seduce you and convince you to engage in sex before marriage.” 298 of the 400 students made commitments to chastity.
At Kwashungu Secondary School, the headmaster, Mr. Msafiri Chindengwike shared some of the challenges facing his students. He said, “Some girls have engaged in sexual relationships with adults who help them financially. This has led to a serious problems where students fail to concentrate on their studies. The school has tried to take legal action against some adults, but the results were not good, because families of the students negotiate and compromise with them. Last year we had two students who were found to be pregnant.” After delivering the outreach: a message of forgiveness, hope, love, second chances, and God’s plan for our lives regarding our sexuality, chastity, the students asked many questions.
Students were then given a chance to choose chastity, they shouted “we want to abstain in order to achieve our goals!” 353 of the 440 students at the school chose to commit to chastity. The headmaster then wound up the outreach by saying, “I am a teacher by professional but I cannot provide this kind of education as clearly as the UCE team does. So we take this opportunity to welcome you to our school as many times as you can come. We wish you a safe journey.”
At Kibaoni Secondary School the team found that the UCE message had preceded them. One girl had committed to chastity at the UCE Easter conference in Ifunda, Iringa in 2014. She assisted the UCE team by showing all of her peers her chastity commitment and giving a witness to chastity. She said that as a student, “I have chosen abstinence as my way of life.” Her teachers shared that, “she is a very good student with good behavior.” The UCE team congratulated her on being a good role model of chastity. She helped to encourage 298 of her 350 gathered peers to commit to chastity.
Bravo Secondary School is located in a village community. The team used a public address system to share their message, as the outreach progressed many people from the community came to listen to the chastity message with the students. After the outreach, the team gave elders in the community an opportunity to address those gathered. One man said, “I never knew that there is any organization which educates students with good things like this. Most of the NGO’s are insisting students to use condoms and do masturbation as the way of getting relief when their sexual desire is high. But UCE educates students in chastity, truly this message is from heaven. I am grateful to the UCE team. Students remember to follow this message, and you will not perish!” Around 400 people gathered for the outreach and 357 committed to chastity.
Bringing a message of hope, forgiveness, second chances, and chastity is the work of UCE! Thousands of lives are changed each month because of the tireless work of chastity teams, the prayers of our prayer warriors, and the financial support of our donors.
We need your help! Stories like this are made possible because of the support we receive from donors, just like you. If we, the people of faith, do not support our youth in chastity, no one else will.
Please consider making a donation and/or joining us in prayer. You may sponsor a complete outreach to a school for $250. Our team will send you a report of your outreach once it is completed. $50 will print 300 chastity pledge cards, and any amount will help us bring the life-saving message of chastity. Thank you for joining us. Together we are spreading Christ’s message of purity and faithful love to youth all over the world, so they can live out His wonderful plan for their lives.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Abstinence is a 'big deal'
Abstinence is a great choice for so many reasons. Here is a list of the most importance reasons to practice abstinence, and why sexual abstinence is a 'big deal'.
Students at Nyamanoro Secondary School February 2016 Mwanza- Tanazania Hold up their Abstinence Card |
- Sexual abstinence is the only 100% guarantee that you won’t become a mommy or a daddy until you’re ready. (No stretch marks, no crying babies, no poopy diapers – until you’re ready!)
- Sexual abstinence is the only 100% guarantee that you won’t get an STD. (While latex condoms can help prevent some STDs, they are not nearly 100% effective. Condoms don’t prevent against HPV, gonorrhoea, or genital herpes among many other STDs)
- Having sex with an individual has psychological repercussions. If there is a breakup, increased chances of depression and unstable mental health are higher.
- Practising sexual abstinence is a great way to get to know your boundaries and develop a stronger relationship emotionally and spiritually with the person you are dating.
- You won’t need to hide anything from your parents or your friends, which takes a lot of pressure off your back and helps strengthen your relationship with them.
- You will know that the person you are with, is with you for YOU. Your personality, your interests, and all of the great things about you besides sexuality.
- Statistics show that teens who practise sexual abstinence are less likely to have depression, less likely to attempt suicide, less likely to live in poverty as adults.
- Statistics show that teens who practise sexual abstinence are likely to do better in school. (Twice as likely to graduate from college than teens who do not practise abstinence).
We believe that your life counts, and you are a person worth waiting for. Your physical, emotional and mental health is irreplaceable and we want to encourage you to make the decision that you feel is best. There is no sex safer than no sex, and you deserve to have the best.
Remember that you are important. Your life counts, and you can make a difference in this world. If you ever need to talk about this or anything else, feel free to get in touch with us. We’re here for you.
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UCE-Tanzania Latest News
Last month in Tanzania UCE missionaries of chastity used 4-wheel drive vehicles, motorcycles, and walked on foot as t...
Growing up through secondary school, I had known based on my upbringing that it was suggested that I should wait to have sex until marriage...
Halahala mti na jicho Potelea mbali, ndio, potelea mbali. Wapi huko? Sijuwi hata mimi. Naam. habari ya wakati huu ndugu yangu...
. Chastity should come spontaneously based on the real attraction of love to husband or wife. Chastity should not be forced and hence,...
1Thessalonians 4.3 “God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality” …The new style of Preach the Gospel to Youth throu...
Abstinence is a great choice for so many reasons. Here is a list of the most importance reasons to practice abstinence, and why sexual ab...
SHANI JUMA - She was a chairperson of UCE Club at Mafiga Secondary school-Morogoro municipality, Tanzania. She graduated last academic year...
Each one of us has affected in one way or other as a result of HIV AIDS, children have lost their parents etc. Hi,it's my hope yo...
Usikubali ngono ikatishe maisha yako. Weka malengo, timiza ndoto zako na UCE KUWEKA NA KUTIMIZA MALENGO Utangulizi Kila mtu duniani...
UCE rejuvenates the lost smile - Herman Nguki-Regional Coordinator,Morogoro,Tanzania Jan 2016 It encourages when we are available at the ...
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Universal Chastity Education
Universal Chastity Education (UCE) – Tanzania
P. O. Box 86, Iringa. Email: ucetanzania@yahoo.com
Tel: (026) 2700585; Phone: 0713 778 808 / 0783 822 725
UCE - Helping People Live Healthy Lives