Thursday, January 28, 2016

UCE-Tanzania Programs Officer Visit UCE-Mwanza Team

Mr.Isaac  Lema and Mwanza UCE Team
Isaac Lema and  One of the UCE Team Glory Munis
 On 28.01.2016 UCE-Team Mwanza visited by Progams Officer Mr. Isaac Lema. Mwanza UCE Team was very grateful to him for his visiting  that motivated and encouraged the Team to continue with UCE activities without give up!
The team shared some challenges facing them in the team and during outreach in schools.

 Generally the Team was proud to be among of UCE Famliy and they enjoying.

UCE-Mwanza Coordinator Mr. Joel Elpha and Mr. Isaac S. Lema


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ni Muce Mwitahira (Go Back Home Thereafter) By Musumari (Video)

Ni Muce Mwitahira (Go Back Home Thereafter) By Musumari, Universal Chastity Education (UCE) team member in Burundi. Musumari is a nationally known singer who joins the team on outreaches to schools, villages, and 'open air meetings' to give the life saving message of chastity: abstinence until a faithful marriage.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Do you know about Chastity

Chastity should come spontaneously based on the real attraction of love to husband or wife. Chastity should not be forced and hence, should not be due to fear or due to some financial attraction etc. If one says ‘Oh wife be chaste’, it is not a real Chastity. Or ‘I am giving money, I am giving all comfort be chaste’, it is also not real chastity. Wife or husband is attracted to each other’s personality inspite of all difficulties and all tragedies and when that attraction exists then it is real chastity.

Free sex is not correct because we make an oath before God. We [husband and wife] should be loyal to each other. Jesus condemns this and Quran also condemns. All the other religions also condemn this. Sex is only for the production of the children. Jesus lived only for 32 years and never had any sexual ideas even in that young age. Adi Sankara lived only for 32 years and never had any sexual ideas.

Swami Vivekanada lived upto 39 years. He had a beautiful personality but never had such ideas. When the soul is very much immersed in the divine thought, divine mission, this sexual idea can never attract him. Suppose you are engaged in doing some research in science and if you are deeply interested and involved, the idea of sex will not come. Similarly, when the mind is completely absorbed in the divine thoughts about God, such idea will never arise. Sex is only a mental idea and is based on some hormone. It is a question of mental involvement or mental thinking.

The momentary sexual happiness is nothing compared to the bliss one gets from the God. The basic thing is that the idea of sex comes only when there is no work or work is less. When somebody is involved in some good work, the idea of sex does not come. When all the interest is concentrated on God, the idea of sex will never arise. However, this should not be done forcefully. It should come spontaneously. That is very important.

Suppose, wife betrays husband or husband betrays wife. The other person need not worry about it. Just forget it and be involved in your work because you are not related with the other soul after the death and everybody is free with their own account. One soul will not recognize the other soul. Hence, one need not give much importance to that. If wife is also engaged in spiritual things then this problem will never arise in life. So, always see that the entire family is involved in the mission of God. First, the person should try with the family and then a good atmosphere exists within the family and when everybody is involved in spiritual effort, such ideas will not come.

Chastity means singleness. Chastity is being only with husband or being only with wife. But, if somebody is only with God, he derives bliss from God. It is also Chastity. Chastity is Satya Vrata. The real Chastity is to think only about God, have devotion on God and being loyal to God. It is the real Chastity or actual chastity. Chaste and unchaste are temporary only as far as worldly relations are considered. It is just like a dream. When dream is over, everything is gone. Suppose somebody is very chaste in dream and somebody is not chaste in dream. When one awakens from the dream, both are useless or meaningless. So, one need not worry or that issue need not be given much importance because the real issue is not identified and the unnecessary issue is given undue importance. The real issue of getting the grace of God within this human life, which is the real issue, is forgotten. So, all other meaningless nonsense issues have become the main issue. All these people ask these questions because they have forgotten the main issue.

For example, when a big line and small line are present, small line becomes small and when the big line is rubbed off, the small line becomes big. When one is awakened, one understands the real issue. He has to go to job and work and that is the real issue. When he sleeps in the dream all the unnecessary issues become the real issues. Therefore, it depends on the state of the person whether he is under the ignorance or whether he is under the knowledge. Rama told to Sita that I am liberating you, you can go and marry My brother or Vibishana, I do not have any objection, like that He told. He never cared for it. In that free atmosphere, when wife is very loyal to Rama, it is due to the real attraction of love. Chastity should come spontaneously based on the real attraction of love to husband or wife. Chastity should not be forced and hence, should not be due to fear or due to some financial attraction etc. If one says ‘Oh wife be chaste’, it is not a real Chastity. Or ‘I am giving money, I am giving all comfort be chaste’, it is also not real chastity. Wife or husband is attracted to each other’s personality inspite of all difficulties and all tragedies and when that attraction exists then it is real chastity.

For such attraction, personality should be developed. The grace of God only develops the personality. The personality is developed only through spirituality. He may be a big king, may have all comforts but his wife may not be chaste. Therefore, the personality never comes through materialism. Personality comes only through divinity. Sita is attracted by such divine personality of Rama but not because Rama is rich or king. Ravana was richer than Rama. However, Sita never got attracted to Ravana.

Again, if such spontaneous attraction does not exist, then again one should not worry. Suppose I do not have the personality to attract some other soul, why should I worry for that? Whether a soul is attracted or not, it is only temporary. The very thoughts that I should attract somebody and she should be chaste to me, are again due to egoism only. Every soul should think that he should attract God, the real personality, the divine personality.

Getting attracted to God should be your motto. Attracting other souls should not be the motto. If attracting other souls is your motto, then all these problems come. If you think, ‘I could not attract that soul 100%, O! Somebody attracted more than me’ etc., then problems arise. Suppose My motto is only to attract God, attracting others will never become My issue. These problems will never arise.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


FRIDAY JANUARY 8th on EWTN: Drs Kim and Ken Dernovsek, UCE Founding Directors, are interviewed. View anywhere in the world by live stream from Africa “HOW UGANDA EXPOSED THE "SAFE SEX" MYTH” --Doctors from the Universal Chastity Education reveal how they culled the HIV rate in Uganda drastically by promoting lifestyles of abstinence and faithfulness to a single partner. A 30 minute segment of the “Life and Family Africa” series, in which Dana Scallon, interviews the courageous people responsible for championing pro-life issues throughout the continent of Africa. How to watch live streaming from Africa: No matter where you are in the world, go now to the EWTN programming schedule 
 In the lefthand column confirm that it is displaying YOUR timezone, then look under Friday, January 8 to get the exact time of the show. If you are in Colorado, it will come in
live at 10:30 am AND 11:00 pm MST. It is free!

UCE –Tanzania reached Mwanza Region and changed Youth lives

1Thessalonians 4.3 “God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality” …The new style of Preach the Gospel to Youth through Universal Chastity Education (UCE) has touch and changed the students Live in Mwanza-Tanzania through the Chastity message
On October 2015 UCE Team has conducted five Outreach at Nyamagana District in  Mwanza region at the following Secondary schools Nyamagana Secondary School: Nyegezi Secondary school, Nsumba High School, Holy Family Girls Secondary School and Famgi Secondary School.
In this five schools the chastity message reached more than 2,000 students, were about 1,200 students signed abstinence Cards as the sign of their new decision to abstain from sex before marriage.

Abstinence a healthier choice than condoms-BY ANDREW DERNOVSEK ,Dec 2015


Abstinence a healthier choice than condoms BY ANDREW DERNOVSEK 
Published: December 13, 2015; Last modified: December 13, 2015 11:42AM
In the wake of the sexting scandal at Canon City High School, I have had many people ask what can be done to help young people make wiser decisions. The problem runs much deeper than exchanging explicit photos on cellphones. It is a cultural issue in a society seeking instant gratification instead of authentic love and happiness. 

Each year on Dec. 1, which is World AIDS Day, I watch and mourn as college campuses across America promote safe sex to the youth by distributing free condoms. What is often not included in the message is that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are only 85 percent effective in reducing the spread of HIV. We also know that condoms provide the following measures of protection against other sexually transmitted infections: 50 percent against gonorrhea and chlamydia, 30-50 percent against syphilis, 60 percent against HPV, and 0 percent against skin-to-skin STIs, such as herpes, on areas not covered by the condom.
This same method of protection is what is also pushed upon our high school youth by their schools, health departments and other organizations. Since the 1960s,we have seen the promotion of a culture of casual sex permeate almost every aspect of our society. “Leave it to Beaver” has been replaced with “Sex in the City,” Perry Como and Doris Day have given way to Snoop Dog and Miley Cyrus, and
abstinence has been exchanged for condoms.

The cultural shift to casual sex has led to the development of entire industries revolving around sex. In the United States annually, $15.6 billion is spent treating
STIs. Worldwide, condoms generate a revenue of $5.4 billion of the $10.2
billion total contraception industry revenue. In the USA alone, the pornography industry generates $14 billion annually, and between $371 million and $1 billion is spent on the over 1.06 million abortions that occur each year. The cost of chastity, i.e. abstaining from sex until a faithful marriage, brings in revenue of $0 for the abstinence industry.

The culture of sex promotes using another person as an object, for their body. It teaches self-focus, immediate gratification, and disrespect. Chastity brings great
freedom — freedom from fear of any STIs, freedom from slavery to passions,
freedom to share the gift of sexuality with your spouse and freedom from
painful memories or regret of past relationships. It protects our mind, body
and heart to be able to love purely. Chastity also brings a message of
forgiveness; that it is never too late to begin anew.

What message do young people want? Fifty-three percent of high school students have never had sex. Of those who did have sex, 67 percent of girls and 53 percent of boys wished they had waited longer. while 87 percent of teens think it is important that they receive a message of abstinence until at least they are out of high school. Yet, society tells us that we can’t abstain until a faithful marriage, that it’s not really possible. I am one of over 311,000 who have chosen chastity through Universal Chastity Education programs. Millions more join us worldwide.
To paraphrase William Wallace in the movie Braveheart, “I do not wish to share my wife with another man.” The majority of young people seem to feel the same way I do. Yet, today’s youth have the heel of a more than $30 billion annual industry placed squarely on their backs, telling them that casual sex, pornography,objectification and immodesty are what is best for them.

Hear my plea, sex profiteers, and you who would feast on the tears, pain and misery of my generation just to keep alive the myth that sex can be casual. Let my people go. We understand that casual sex is important to you, but our lives are

important to us. We have found a better way, a path of freedom, dignity and
true love. For those who are lost, or took another path, it is never too late
to begin. Come, join us!
Andrew Dernovsek is the executive director of Universal Chastity Education, a Pueblo-based nonprofit. He speaks on chastity, pornography, true love and other related topics. You may contact him at


Sunday, January 3, 2016

UCE rejuvenates the lost smile-Herman Nguki-Regional Coordinator,Morogoro,Tanzania Jan 2016
It encourages when we are available at the area we are needed. Youths enjoy asking questions (personally) to UCE volunteers, when they have been correctly answered, they become happy and full of smile. Premarital sex brings sorrow to the society,,abstain,abstain.abstain,,,,
After chastity education, it’s like a word of mercy has been granted to someone who was hopeless of being forgiven after a certain mistake. With UCE it is possible to rejuvenate the mind, that it can continuously start thinking better about positive things like education, self-control, awareness and other things God being number one. Do you have a reason to do not join UCE global mission and vision??? Surely you don’t! Wake up please, join this Godly movement worldwide. Yet I have joined, yet I have changed my life (how to think, reason, respond, act etc..), Yet I am eager to reach many more students  and youths at all. It’s your time now!!!! You can visit also facebook page <UCE CLUBS TANZANIA (TRUE LOVE WAITS)> for our daily programs.

Observe students bellow from Alfagerms secondary school-MorogoroDescription: D:\Local Disk E-N\Local Disk E-N\UCE TANZANIA\OUTREACHES & SEMINARS PICTURES\1.MOROGORO OUTREACHES\16.05.2015 Alfagerms group2\IMG_0548.JPGDescription: D:\Local Disk E-N\Local Disk E-N\UCE TANZANIA\OUTREACHES & SEMINARS PICTURES\1.MOROGORO OUTREACHES\16.05.2015 Alfagerms group2\IMG_0647.JPGDescription: D:\Local Disk E-N\Local Disk E-N\UCE TANZANIA\OUTREACHES & SEMINARS PICTURES\1.MOROGORO OUTREACHES\16.05.2015 Alfagerms group2\IMG_0631.JPGDescription: D:\Local Disk E-N\Local Disk E-N\UCE TANZANIA\OUTREACHES & SEMINARS PICTURES\1.MOROGORO OUTREACHES\16.05.2015 Alfagerms group2\IMG_0615.JPGDescription: D:\Local Disk E-N\Local Disk E-N\UCE TANZANIA\OUTREACHES & SEMINARS PICTURES\1.MOROGORO OUTREACHES\16.05.2015 Alfagerms group2\IMG_0592.JPG
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