UCE rejuvenates the
lost smile-Herman Nguki-Regional
Coordinator,Morogoro,Tanzania Jan 2016
It encourages when we
are available at the area we are needed. Youths enjoy asking questions
(personally) to UCE volunteers, when they have been correctly answered, they
become happy and full of smile. Premarital sex brings sorrow to the
After chastity
education, it’s like a word of mercy has been granted to someone who was
hopeless of being forgiven after a certain mistake. With UCE it is possible to
rejuvenate the mind, that it can continuously start thinking better about
positive things like education, self-control, awareness and other things God
being number one. Do you have a reason to do not join UCE global mission and
vision??? Surely you don’t! Wake up please, join this Godly movement worldwide.
Yet I have joined, yet I have changed my life (how to think, reason, respond,
act etc..), Yet I am eager to reach many more students and youths at all.
It’s your time now!!!! You can visit also facebook page <UCE CLUBS TANZANIA
(TRUE LOVE WAITS)> for our daily programs.
Observe students bellow
from Alfagerms secondary school-Morogoro